Scribble To Template

Do you have a creative idea that you want to visualize quickly? No problem! With Brian you can turn your hand-drawn scribbles into a template in no time at all.


The first impression counts. The more stringent, structured, and well-prepared a presentation is, the higher is the satisfaction of the counterpart. Consultants often dedicate a substantial amount of time to prepare these slide and design considerations. So why not use templates and focus more on the content? Brian has a suitable slide design ready at any time. Just send him a scribble of what you need, and he will provide you with several easy to fill and flexible templates which can help in significant time savings and efficiency improvements.

What´s cool about it

  • 1500 individual templates
  • 12 slides per scribble
  • Quick to access
  • Fully adjustable to your needs

Use Cases

  • Get inspired what slide types you can use
  • Use an appealing template to enter your content
  • Transfer your old basic slide into an appealing one
  • Choose a different slide type to make your point stronger


1500 individual templates.


Please note that unlike Brian’s other skills, using the “scribble to template” skill implies your consent for us to store and use the scribbles to improve our service. Please be assured that these scribbles will be stored separately from your identity. Therefore, please make sure that your scribbles do not contain any confidential or private information.

Wir sind in der Lage, die Vorlagen an das spezifische Corporate Design anzupassen! Kontaktieren Sie uns!



Wenn Brian nicht das liefert, was Sie erwartet haben, sollten Sie Folgendes bedenken:

  • Wir fügen ständig neue Vorlagensammlungen hinzu
  • Ask for templates for one scribble. If you need templates for more scribbles, send Brian multiple requests
  • Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, den Zugang zu Brian im Falle einer übermäßigen Nutzung zu beschränken.


Diese Fähigkeit ist in den folgenden Paketen enthalten:

  • Brian Next
  • Brian for Business

Ausführliche Informationen finden Sie auf unserer Preisübersichtsseite hier.

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