– Brian via Teams –

Brian’s assistance via Microsoft Teams?
A great idea!

Why Brian?

Brian helps you with a number of recurring tasks at work, 24/7 within 3 minutes saving you a lot of time and budget!

Who is Brian for?

Brian works for individual professionals, teams and entire companies. Register to start immediately or schedule a demo to learn more!

Why via Teams?

You can use Brian also via a regular email, but via Microsoft Teams he is much faster, super convenient and more fun to work with!

– What next? –

You can start for Free or
select your Brian license now!

Free Trial

Try Brian for 14 days for free (no credit card) and experience how helpful he is!

Check our pricing

Choose one of the attractive Brian packages and start to save your precious time!

– Brian’s capabilities –

Over 30 skills and more to come

Brian delivers 24/7 within 3 minutes

FILE HANDLING: Translation from/to 100 languages, all MS Office formats, keeping the formatting; Transforming PDFs (native and scanned) to multiple formats…

RESEARCH: Deep analysis of over 50,000 public companies, millions of private companies, industry benchmarks…

SLIDE GRAPHICS: Icons for thousands of topics, 49 template collections.

NEXT LEVEL: You can Ask Brian literally ‘anything’, request Bullets about any topic and much more is to come!

Brian for your Team or Company?

We are happy to tell you more about Brian, show you how he works,
what company offerings we have and answer all your questions as well.

– What people say –

We love to amaze business professionals